可以去学习新概念英语,蛮管用的,里面词汇量大,容易积累。 只要平时多看一些课外的英语杂志,中英文翻译的,还有中英文对照的书,词汇量就会不知不觉的增加了。 但也因人而异,如果平时成绩就不是太好的话,就没有必要要求作文特别好。 就像一楼说的,先提高了汉语的写作水平,一级一级爬,课内的掌握好了,课外的就要靠自己积累小学英语应用文作文、练习了。 正常小学英语并不难,把课文背熟,语句都弄懂了,单词都会背了,会拼了,拿满分就很容易了。
September 12,2009 Sundy Fine
It`s a colorful day today.In the morning , I arrived at a park with my fridends by riding a bike .Then my friends dig a hole ,and I went to carry some water . When all of them finished , we put the tree into the hole and finishied it.Then we leaved there . All of us felt tired, but we are also very happy .