

Dear Mr Han (对方的称呼),
A good day to you . / How have you been ? (打招呼),…………………………(内容)
Regards,/Yours sincerely ,
Joie (写信人的名称)


经典范文小学书信作文格式模板英语: Dear My Friend, How are you? Do you want to know about my English study?OK,I will tell you. I study English at Sunday afternoon at two o'clock.I study JianQiao English.And,last Saterday I took part in the Public English Test.I think I can pass.And,next Monday,my school will have an English words test.I want to take part in.I am sure,I can win. Well,it's late.In the end of my letter,I put my best wishes for you! Please write to me soon! Yours, Jackyanbo

上一篇:记叙文说明文范文,关于说明文的作文 网上的也可以 简单点的 400-500字作业 谢谢!“