


we should give the Earth a hand.
We pick up litter and care for trees,
We all need to take care of Mother Earth '
let us make the earth beautiful
I am the Earth and the Earth is me.
Recycle, reuse, reduce, these are the words we should know.
we have to save our earth so that we can live and grow

2] 地球是我家,绿化靠大家
The earth is my home
She needs you to lend a helping hand

3] 一花一草皆生命,一枝一枝总关情
a flower , a blade of grass each has bones and skins
a twig, a branch each conveys true feelings
4] 美化家园就是美化自己
You take care of the earth
The earth takes cares of you

5] 爱护草坪,请勿入内
Care for the lawn
Keep off the grass

6] 绿色与健康同在
Green is connected with health
In a circle, in a hoop which is our wealth

7] 爱护花草人人有责
everybody should care for the plants

8] 爱护环境从我做起
Love our mother earth
Start it right now it’s worth

9] 草木绿,花儿笑,空气清新环境好
Soft green grass, smiling beautiful flowers, sweet fresh air.What a beautiful earth !

10] 花草有生命,请足下留情
Every plant has a life
Please spare each of its life.

11] 小草依依,踏之何忍
teeny tiny grass
How could anybody be mean to harass?
