

I am graduating from high school this year and I would like to say thank you to my teachers and my friends who have helped me a lot. Whenever I had problems, I asked teachers and my classmates for helping and they did not hesitate to answer my questions. They really helped me a lot and they told me not to give up and keep on doing my work. No matter I was in good or bad mood, they always accompanied with me and I feel that I was beloved by everyone around me. Thanks a lot.
字数可能超了一点点 自己写的 你在看看吧 很好写的。
意思就是我马上就要毕业了 我感谢帮助过我的老师我的朋友。每次我遇到问题时 我去问老师同学 他们总是毫不犹豫的给我讲题。 他们的确帮了我很多 告诉我不要放弃继续做好事情。不管我心情好还是坏 他们总是会陪在我身边 让我感觉我是被爱的。(就是很温暖啦)
