1. 使用引言:开篇可以使用一句引言或者名言警句,来吸引读者的兴趣。例如:"As the saying goes, 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.'"(正如谚语所说,千里之行始于足下。)这样的开头会让读者觉得文章有深度和思考。
2. 突出背景:可以简单介绍文章的背景,让读者明白文章所要探讨的话题。例如:"In today's rapidly changing society, the issue of environmental protection has become increasingly important."(在当今快速变化的社会中,环境保护的问题变得越来越重要。)这样的开头能够让读者迅速理解文章的主题。
3. 提出问题:可以在开头提出一个引人深思的问题,引发读者的思考。例如:"Have you ever wondered how technology has changed the way we communicate?"(你是否曾想过科技是如何改变我们的交流方式的?)这样的开头会激发读者的好奇心,希望找到答案。
1. 总结观点:在结尾部分对文章中的主要观点进行总结,再次强调自己的立场和观点。例如:"In conclusion, we should take actions to protect the environment and create a better future for our planet."(总之,我们应该采取行动来保护环境,为地球创造一个更美好的未来。)这样的结尾能够给读者以正能量的启示。
2. 提出建议:可以在结尾向读者提出一些建议,希望他们能够在自己的生活中付诸行动。例如:"Let's start by recycling and reducing our waste, and together we can make a difference."(让我们从垃圾分类和减少浪费开始,共同创造一个改变。)这样的结尾能够激发读者的积极性,让他们感到有责任参与其中。
3. 展望未来:可以在结尾展望未来,让读者对文章所讨论的问题有更加深入的思考。例如:"Only by working together can we build a sustainable future for generations to come."(只有共同努力,我们才能为子孙后代建设一个可持续发展的未来。)这样的结尾能够引发读者对未来的思考,并激发他们对于问题的重视。
1. 以引言开头的范例:
- As the saying goes, "A good friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have." This quote reminds me of my best friend, Sarah. We have been through thick and thin together, and I am grateful for her presence in my life.
2. 以突出背景开头的范例:
- In today's digital age, the world has become more interconnected than ever before. With the advent of social media platforms, we can now easily connect with people from all corners of the globe. However, amidst this virtual connectivity, are we truly connected in a meaningful way?
3. 以提出问题开头的范例:
- Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on another planet? Imagine waking up to a red sky, breathing in air different from what we are accustomed to, and exploring new landscapes. This is the dream of many scientists and space enthusiasts around the world.
1. 总结观点的范例:
- In conclusion, hard work and determination are the keys to success. By setting goals, staying focused, and never giving up, we can overcome any obstacles that come our way and achieve our dreams. So, let's work hard and make our dreams a reality!
2. 提出建议的范例:
- Let's make a conscious effort to be more environmentally friendly in our daily lives. We can start by using reusable bags, conserving water and energy, and supporting sustainable businesses. Together, we can protect our planet for future generations.
3. 展望未来的范例:
- Only by embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity can we create a society where everyone feels valued and respected. Let us work towards a future where discrimination is a thing of the past and acceptance is the norm.