今天,我帮妈妈去商店里去买东西,无意间,我看到商店的墙角上有一个黑乎乎的东西,我便站起身,走上前去,想看个究竟,没想到,它竟然动了起来小学童话作文蜘蛛。啊!原来是一只蜘蛛。我再走近些看,哦,它正在捕飞蛾。 我决定看看蜘蛛是怎么捕食的,只见蜘蛛向飞蛾爬过去,在不远的地方,它突然停了下来,然后从尾部吐出了一根丝来,然后爬到了身边,缠住了飞蛾的翅膀和腿,一圈又一圈,缠得非常的密。飞蛾拼命的挣扎,虽然挣脱蜘蛛网掉下了墙,但这却无济于事。蜘蛛立刻的跳到了地上,然后找到了那只飞蛾。然后用嘴死死的咬住了飞蛾。哦,我明白了,蜘蛛现在应该是在给飞蛾注射麻醉剂。过了一会儿,只见那飞蛾躺在地上,一动不动的,蜘蛛可不管了,就在地上津津有味地吃了起来。
After the rain, a spider on the wall has been difficult to fragmented network Paqu, due to damp walls, which climbed to a certain height, it will fall to it again and again to climb, time and time again they fall ... ...
The first person to see, and he sighed to himself: My life is not as the only spider do? Busy and no income. So he increasingly depressed.
The second person to see, he said: only spiders really stupid, why not from the adjacent dry place to climb around the click? I'll be as stupid as it can not. As a result, he became wise up.
Third person to see, he was immediately spiders keep on fighting spirit that moved. As a result, he became the mind.